Monday, March 2, 2009

Hebat sangatkah mereka?

It really pisses me off knowing people who try to associate themselves with others who to them have more power and more fame, trying to look like these people. They try to look cool by making a fool out of themselves. They try their best to please these people so that they would be accepted as one of them. Such people are wannabes…wannabes that do not have a stand and tend to follow the mainstream like tall grass being blown by the wind.

I’m starting to get fed up with one of my Qatari lecturers that always tries her best to please the Americans in the class. All the examples she gives, all the stories she tells and basically everything she talks about is about the US, whether if it’s about politics, economy, education, life etc. I know that Qatar is not cool and everyone knows that too. And it’s a norm that if someone likes something very much, everything he say will be about it. But trying to please these people by going against your own people and your own religion definitely could not be accepted. There were many occasions where she was trying to please these people, she went against Hudud saying that it is inappropriate, went against Niqab saying that it is a type of oppression towards women and wearing it traps bacteria which resorts to illness and even worse was commenting about a very known Syeikh that she herself admired just because she wanted to please these people.

What is it that these people have that we would do anything to please them? Is it that humiliating being a Muslim that we could easily turn against Islam whenever we’re facing the non-Muslims? Is it not our duty to convey the right message about Islam and to clear the confusions and doubts people have towards it? Some may have their own opinions and reservations regarding certain issues but it shouldn’t be discussed with non-Muslims especially when the ‘Hukm’ is made clear in the Quran and Sunnah.


الإسلام يعلو ولا يعلى عليه
“Islam is high and there is nothing higher than it”.

نحن قوم أعزناّ الله بالإسلام
“We are the people that were honored by Allah with Islam”(Umar Radhiyallahu’anh).

Both quotes are the daleels saying that we Muslims are honoured by Allah with Islam and we should be proud of it. Islam is not just a compiled list of rituals that are to be performed daily. Islam is the way of life, a system created to perfect the life of human beings. It covers from the way you chew your food to how to govern and manage the world. To some, this may sound exaggerating but history has proven this during the times of ar-Rasul SAW and his companions and the era of the Abbasids and the Ottomans. Knowing this, we should hold the pride of being a Muslim, as well as to practice it and ‘decorate’ ourselves with it.

“O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the Syaitaan; for he is to you an avowed enemy” (al-Baqarah; 2:208)

p/s: I have no intention of whatsoever to humiliate anyone stated in this post although I did roughly mention someone in specific. I never thought of writing about it anyway but it keeps crossing my mind because such discussions have been going on since the past 4 months. May Allah forgive our sins and forbid us from entering hellfire.

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